The Canaries In The Mine

“Women and gay people are the litmus test of whether a society respects human rights.
We’re the canaries in the mine.”
Jonathan Harvey - “Canary”

I love this country. That’s why I’m so devastated.

It was in the 14th century that scientists discovered that litmus, a mixture of colored organic compounds obtained from lichen, turns red in acid solutions and blue in alkaline solutions and, therefore, can be used as an acid-base indicator. Six centuries later, people began using litmus test figuratively. It can now refer to any single factor that establishes the true character of something or causes it to be assigned to one category or another. Often it refers to something (such as an opinion about a political or moral issue) that can be used to make a judgment about whether someone or something is acceptable or not. Now, we see it categorizes us into red (Republican) or blue (Democrat) just like the acidic or alkaline solutions. 

"Canaries in the coal mine" is an idiom that refers to something that provides an early warning of danger or failure. The term comes from the practice of using canaries in coal mines in the 19th and 20th centuries to detect carbon monoxide gas, which was deadly to both humans and canaries. Canaries were more sensitive to small amounts of carbon monoxide than humans, so they would become sick before the miners and warn them to evacuate.

The canaries also extend to Trans-people and People of Color. Just like the canaries, when you hear us telling you that we are not okay. Take it as a warning!

Wednesday November 6th, 2024

Everyone I know is upset, angry and demoralized. Please understand that not only are we scared for our democracy, we are also scared for our rights. LGBTQ rights and protections are on the line and a main feature of being rolled back with the conservative agenda. As of today, my friends in Florida no longer have reproductive rights. They will no longer have a choice of what happens to their own bodies! The climate crisis will be ignored. Our constitution is under threat. How un-American is that? I am fucking upset! 

This country hates women. 

This country is racist. 

That may sound shocking and offensive to some of you, but it is the repeated experience of women and people of color in this country. Believe them. Believe us. Admitting this reality allows us to do better. Only once we acknowledge something and its impacts on another, can we then take steps to transform it. 

There is a strong desire for a specific monochromatic wash of what makes America, America. To create a misguided and exclusive country that is only represented by heterosexual white people, led by heterosexual white men.

We face a dire threat. It is personal. Do you know what it’s like to face the fear of having your human rights challenged every time there is an election? And do you know what it’s like to know the pain of watching loved ones vote against your right to exist fully, equally and authentically?

This is not normal! He was the worst President in history. And when he got voted out, he tried to stage a coup. Then he stole national secrets and sold the ones he didn't store in the bathroom. He was convicted of fraud, found liable of sexual assault and convicted of 34 felonies. He is half a billion dollars in debt, owned by God only knows who, and the biggest national security risk the nation has ever had.

But at least he's not a Black woman.


There are so many people who are disenfranchised in this country. They have no formal education, awareness and tools to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps.” This is a key demographic who needs to be embraced so that they can vote for leaders and legislation that will make a difference to them. I am not talking to them right now. In many ways they have been targeted and exploited for political gain, and it will take all of us getting into their world to understand and acknowledge their needs and why they would support such fascism too. I am talking to the people who are in the middle. Who are being indifferent. Who feel like there was no ideal candidate. Who understand these issues to some degree but don’t engage. I’m talking to you! Get involved!

If you are an ally, please do the work to understand why we are terrified. It is not the job of the oppressed to educate you. If you say to an LGBTQ person, or a person of color, or a woman that you don’t see the problem or that “it can’t be that bad”, you are denying our experience. As allies it is your job to defend us in rooms we are not. And it is your job to call out homophobia, transphobia, misogyny and racism. Be ANTI those things. Speak up!

As an Australian immigrant who is a cisgender gay man of mixed race ethnicity, I am very privileged. I don't face transphobia, I can pass as straight when I feel unsafe to authentically express myself. I am predominantly white, and I live in Los Angeles; a very progressive city. However, I still face discrimination in certain places and from certain people. When you don't speak up in our defense, we see you. The silence from you is deafening. We see it, we feel it and it does not go unnoticed. If you consider yourself friends with a gay person (as well as trans people, POC and women), yet you stay silent on these topics, then we are not friends.

We need you because you don’t face attacks based on your skin color, how you identify, where you were born or the person you love. You don’t face discrimination based on something you can’t control. Speak up! Because defending the rights of another does not take away your rights!


Despite women’s rights being rolled back and LGBTQ rights being constantly challenged, blocked and under threat, the only person’s rights that seem to still be protected are straight white men. When we would dare suggest common sense gun laws to stop gun violence being the leading cause of death among children - the response is that of a petulant child whose favorite toy has been taken away. These laws would protect everyone AND still allow you to be a gun owner. How is that not fair? How is that not the depiction of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all?


Whether I am conscious of it or not, whenever I walk into a space either alone or especially with my partner, I assess whether I am safe to be my true self in that space. We survey the room, sometimes without consciously realizing, looking for hints of homophobia, misogyny, racism or potential violence. Do you know what that must be like? To constantly have to check if you and the person you love are going to be okay in any particular place based on the color of your skin, how you identify or who you love? I've even employed an American accent to mask my natural accent in some places to prevent conflict. It's exhausting. We just want a reprieve. We just want to be truly equal and protected by the law and the people in charge. I have no disillusions about political candidates. But in this country, the choice only comes down to two. No candidate is perfect, but elections are like being at a bus stop. You get on the bus that will take you as close to where you want to go as possible. We were so excited to keep moving towards equality with Kamala. We were so excited to have the same rights as your guns! Now, we are afraid for our peace, our protections and our lives. Appointing leaders who do not care about us, who fan the flames of discrimination, only empowers these people to feel free to hate us even more loudly. We are scared.

That's why we need you. You possess the benefit of not being judged by your skin color, gender identity or who you love. That gives you the power to stand up against the hate we face. There'll still be hate that we have to deal with, but at least you'll be able to block and diffuse some of it on our behalf. Every little conversation to transform prejudices helps. Please engage. We beg you.


I chose to make America my home. Anything is truly possible here. This country is extraordinary. But I don't want to feel on edge every day waiting to see what our new leaders will be doing to politicize my existence, to prevent me from having equal rights, to make my life harder than yours. We have work to do. We do the work almost every day, whether it's conversations to educate and enlighten others who do not understand, or to take actions to defend my rights and to fight for my equality under law and public perception. We need you to take the lead on this too. By simply speaking up against someone being homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic, and calling it out will make a difference.


We are in the fight of our lives and whether you realize it or not, you are too.

Defending freedom and liberty means freedom and liberty for us all! If you see something, say something so we don't always have to. If you can't do it for another person. Do it for yourselves. Every time you speak up in defense of people who don't get to benefit from your skin color, sexual orientation, gender identity or citizenship status - you get to uphold the promise of America. Your country. OUR country. If The Constitution is the law of the land and the promise of America, then uphold it. If you think "your" America is the right way, and "our" America is the wrong way, you are missing the point. Both can exist. We can all exist. Equally. You don't have to accept us but you do have to accept our unalienable rights. Your freedom of speech cannot oppress me. 


We are no longer accepting anything less from the worlds' leading democratic society. We will no longer be the ones whose rights are tested and challenged again and again. Me pushing for my equal rights is not to strip you of yours. It is to be truly equal; as promised. We will no longer be the canaries in the mine. Whether you continue to hold on to the litmus tests that tell you what is acceptable or not; your religion, your political stances, your upbringing, your beliefs - is no longer relevant to the rest of us. We accept that you can practice your religions, vote for your politicians and follow your beliefs, but your litmus tests are not my litmus tests. Your religion is not all of our religions. Your political views are not all of our political views. And your beliefs may not be our beliefs. How beautiful that we can and should still exist equally without sharing the same views. All we do share is a view to honor the promise of a more perfect union.

We have more in common than what separates us. But we are no longer your canaries in the mine. We've been on the front lines. This poisonous gas is infecting our democracy. You have been warned. We've been telling you for generations. It is your turn to help fight for us all.

Gave proof through the nightThat our flag was still there

Only when it's dark enough can you see the stars. I believe in us.

By Conrad Le Bron